Sunday, January 25, 2015


Freedom is recognizing, that each struggle is an opportunity in disguise. When we accept the opportunities with grace, this transforms resistance into the gifts of the shifts:

& Faith......

Prerequisites for navigating in the fifth dimension. 

Mystic Omorose~

Hidden Talents

Hidden talents are like thick woods; dark, cold, damp, largely obscured. When we learn to tap into our potential and passions, the forest begins to light up with overflowing inspiration. This divine energy then goes out to bless others, inspiring other hidden talents to emerge into the field. Until eventually, everyone on earth is fully aligned with their divine mission and life purpose. As we each drum or passionately play in harmony with our souls calling here on mother earth. A bridge is linked from our heart directly to source, like a tree extending out into the divine cosmos. With each unique beat and rhythm fully embraced from within, and genuinely expressed openly instead of 'repressed'. This weaves around the world to activate the rainbow bridge which anchors 'heaven on earth.' Wherever anyone stands in this exact moment. A commitment can be made to be a part of the rainbow bridge. The key is to simply follow one's bliss! Then to share this contagious energy with others.
Which is why I share this post with all of you today. Because I love writing, I am passionate about photography, and playing this buffalo drum is like aligning with pure bliss!

Mystic Omorose~

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Prosperity is a cosmic currency

Prosperity is not just about money. It is a consciousness of cosmic currency. Which includes the abundance of flow and well-being in relationships, health, finances, life purpose and universal heart centered connection. When we develop true prosperity consciousness, we are in deep appreciation and gratitude for all that is currently showing up in our life. Because we understand that the vibration of appreciation and gratitude places us directly in the cosmic flow of universal divine abundance. This is otherwise known as 'heart centered' seeing. When we literally observe that the cup is 'generously full' even when to others, it may appear to be quite empty. Because when we are seeing with the heart of true prosperity. Everything we focus upon expands, and turns into pure alchemical gold!


Mystic Omorose~